Sunday, October 19, 2014

if you ship items or have items to ship please share here! lets get you matched up and get those britches shipped or... whatever. ;)

Ship my Britches hopes to find people to match up with things to be shipped and people who need things shipped. please post what you are hoping to have shipped here or to get a quote for shipping and lets share this page to find people who love shipping things for us all. personally?

i made this page simply due to the one time i did sell a pair of jeans on  ebay and i followed their very bad suggestion of starting an auction at 99 cents...never do that!~ without a reserve price and certainly never do it when also offering free shipping unless you are certain you will get lots of bids....
ebay even said never start an auction for less than what you hope to get for your item along with costs of ebay and paypal fees as well as postage costs......

so anyways i also needed a quote for a couch to be shipped, i cannot find anyone to offer a quoted delivery price from my area to canada or to the southwest US state across the country from me. 

so here we go. an easy simple way to match clients and customers and get items shipped. now lets ship my britches or ehem in this case couch. britches just sounds more fun eh?

so far no clue still where to find people to ship britches besides the post office, and fedex and ups here...and so far not too many shipping companies who are willing to scoop up a couch and send it cross country without paying an arm and a leg...then again some couches are just worth that right?

i will be adding more info later as i find it!